welcome! look around!

feeling agreeable

feeling abandoned
feeling able
abused... feeling abused
feeling accepted,.. finding acceptance
feeling adequate
feeling afraid
feeling agreeable
feeling altruistic
feeling amused
feeling anguished
feeling animated
feeling apologetic
feeling assured
feeling audacious
feeling available
feeling avoidant
feeling aware

nowhere within the emotional feelings network of sites is any opportunity for me to make any profit from any of the 28 + sites within this network. this network of sites has been put together as a personal mission to help others by informing those who need information concerning mental health, eating disorders, lifestyle factors, and every other topic listed within.

navigational hint: all underlined link words open up a new window instead of changing your present one, taking you to another site within the emotional feelings network of sites - or to another site referencing the underlined link word!

thanks for visiting  emotional feelings network!

Welcome to more emotional feelings website!
emotional feelings is the home site for the emotional feelings network of sites!

If you're trying to find personal growth, an avenue to get to know yourself or recovering from something... you'll find that there are many "connections" along your journey.
It's all the "connections" that you find, that cause a spark to be ignited within you that will carry you along when the going gets tougher.
I've made it easier for you by including connecting underlined link words throughout the 28 sites of the emotional feelings network of sites! Look for "connections" & you'll find them, more & more often. Be aware, mindful & grateful when you find them!

  It's very important that you visit the page: keeping in touch!
Reason being: If you're here because you're searching for an answer to your feelings of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, feeling sick, or just general feelings of misery in your life - you need to find a volunteer opportunity that you feel comfortable with.
For a life changing listen - click here - it's truly life changing and something we all need to listen to. It does take some time to listen to Randy Pausch's Last Lecture, but you won't regret it.
You can help yourself by helping others. You might not think so; but it's true. Find something you can do to help some worthy causes. "Keeping in Touch" will show you some important causes that need you!
Why not just click here now to get it over with! So even if you leave this site after finding some information concerning an emotion or feeling... you'll also leave with the seed of thought concerning volunteer work that might produce some results bringing you a sense of accomplishment & find yourself feeling better!

Your dictionary definition of:
a·gree·a·ble  adjective
1. to one's liking; pleasing: agreeable manners; an agreeable sensation.
2. willing or ready to agree or consent: Are you agreeable to my plans for Saturday?

a quick background on me....

5 years ago I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorderdepression & I was also experiencing an eating disorder that no one knew anything about; night eating.
While I was miserable in experiencing all the symptoms of post traumatic stress, an anxiety disorder & depression - which often accompanies anxiety disorders; I was overjoyed in finally finding out what was wrong with me!

Why would someone spend 1000's of hours designing & keeping up these websites to offer free information to others?

I have to reply - "You're absolutely right! It does take many, many hours each day to work on these sites. I'm a mother, a wife & an individual who has tons of personal work to do as well as the usual family responsibilities!

visit anxieties 101 by clicking here!

How would I find the time? I knew that if I made the commitment to myself to keep up these sites... I would HAVE to do it....
Why do I do it? I use the opportunity to combine my own recovery - personal growth journey with an important concept that I've made a commitment to:
"Helping yourself thru helping others..." 
I was so excited when after years of searching for the answer to my everyday question, "What's wrong with me?" that I felt determined to show others that if you don't quit & you know the path to take, you can find your answers as well!

connect the pics with the words...

My immediate concern at that time was "mental health." While I didn't know what was wrong with me, I did have one medical specialist tell me that my physical pain was due to a "mental problem."
I didn't quite understand it all, I was wallowing in many different symptoms of mental illness like panic attacks, severe anxiety & finally my eating disorder symptoms of waking up numerous times in the night to eat.
Just as you may have seen recently on either public service television commercials for depression or in your doctor's office waiting room; mental illness can manifest itself in physical symptoms that include many sources of discomfort. I was also experiencing the symptoms of "irritable bowel syndrome," that had started early on in my life. So I'll start with the mental health site that now exists within the network:

i've made this cake! it's delicious!

I've reached a point in my own personal recovery & growth journey that I believe I can describe accurately most of the emotions & feelings within the emotional feelings network of sites without using any information from anyone else.
But since the ruination of the "extremely emotional" site - I had to stop & ask myself - remembering to be aware & mindful of what's happening in my present moment -
"Why did this happen to me?" (the unreasonable ruin of my site, of course!) 
or - Choosing to seek a positive return for a negative energy passing my way - what would the positive ramifications be of having to go through every single page of a network of 28+ sites to delete the links to my ruined site?
Geez... now that I think of it... I've asked myself that question quite a few times before... "Why did this happen to me?" & I searched & searched for an answer, wasting time & positive energy on something very simple... Life is what's happening. Just look to find the positive about it instead of the negative
This is what I am looking for now in all aspects of my life. I'm looking for the "positive" reasons things happen. I remember what I've learned from my past to be prepared to have to confront negativities with my re-gained "power & control" on my side now instead of the enemy; but I choose now to look upon the face of countenance instead of upheaval.
After pondering a few days on this subject, while going through every page of the emotional feelings site - here - to unlink all the emotion & feelings words "s" thru the end of the alphabet - I realized something magnificent.
"This is my opportunity to take the time to check ALL linked words to be sure they're being directed to the correct places. This is my opportunity to re-check spelling & grammar. This is my opportunity to try to express in my own words - the most meaningful knowledge I've recently acquired!
I'll write what I've learned about the whole cake, almost 6 years of growth - not just reveal a the first piece of the cake! - I still offer other author's works to explain situational inferences to emotions & feelings!
I'll try to the best of my ability to explain the importance of every emotion & feeling. I'm honored you chose the emotional feelings network of sites to visit!

Important notice:

is coming along.
it's the replacement site for extremely emotional!
thanks for your continued patience with me as it takes so long to re-establish all the underlined link words as well as building a new site!

send me an e-mail!

click here to send me an e-mail!!

I feel "able"

I feel "able"

How to Enjoy Stress Free Relationships
By Michael Atma

Imagine how your life might be if you knew how to finally stop the stress in relationships that saps your strength, drains your energy & ruins your productivity!

Until you've released the need for judgment, you'll always have it reflected back to you in your relationships. This is one of the main causes of stress. All too often we assume that we know what others mean by what they say or do without bothering to gain a clear understanding of what's really going on.

This inevitably leads to a breakdown in communication & conflict. The biggest secret to stress free relationships is to master the skill of being agreeable!

If you think about it just for a moment this makes a lot of sense. How did you feel the last time someone disagreed with what you though, said or did?

Did you thank them, give them a big hug & then ask for more disapproval? Probably not!

The bottom line is that people don't like being disagreed with. This is what leads to arguments & conflict. You have a choice every time you relate with another person. You can either be agreeable in nature & in communication or you can be disagreeable.

The first choice will cause people to be more relaxed & enjoy your company. The second creates stress & frustration. It costs nothing to agree with someone else's point of view even if you think it's ridiculous.

Who are we to judge how another person views their life & the world around them. Conflict always arises from disagreement's which then leads to power struggles. This means that either one or all parties are trying to prove that they're right & someone else is wrong.

This is a no win scenario because if one person is made wrong, then the outcome is tension & resentment. So what do you do if you disagree with what someone is saying?

Ask if it's ok to share your opinion. If the answer is no, then to keep your relationships stress free keep your mouth shut. Changes topics if you need to or go do something fun together but let it go & move on.

The next secret to stress free relationships is to master the skill of understanding.

The key here is to learn to be a good listener. Can you remember a time recently when you were talking with someone & they either interrupted you before you finished talking & started talking about themselves or completely ignored what you said & talked about something totally unrelated?

I know that's happened to me thousands of times. Well guess what, if you didn't like it I can guarantee you that others won't like it if you do it to them. By listening attentively to what others say & not interrupting you will prevent the possibility of causing stress & tension in your relationships because the people you're communicating with will feel seen & heard.

This builds trust & respect which are 2 of the most important ingredients of a happy, healthy & productive relationship.

Here are 4 keys to master the skill of understanding:

1. Don't interrupt unless you have something urgent to attend to. Then excuse yourself politely & make a time to meet with them that you can give your undivided attention.

2. Look them in the eye & keep your body language open

3. Only ask questions that are relevant to the topic. This lets the person who is talking know that you're really listening to them.

4. Never assume you know what someone means, always ask for clarity before sharing you're opinion. Don't be afraid to keep asking questions until you're 100% sure about what's being said.

The only time to try & get others to understand you is after you've understood them. Then they're more receptive to what you have to say. This skill is one of the most important in building good bonds between people that are stress free.

There's nothing more powerful than letting others know that they matter. Happy, healthy & stress free relationships are no accident. They're skillfully developed over time by people who care about people.

These secrets will only work if you apply them. The more you apply them, the less stress you'll have in relationships. I know this for a fact because they've been working for me for more than 15 years.

source: self growth.com

I feel "able"

I feel "able"

The Power of Saying, "No" 

by Linda D Tillman, PhD

"No" is such a simple word....

only two letters. Yet saying "No" out loud is harder for most people than saying, "I'll be glad to..." (11 letters) or "When do you need me to..." (17 letters)

Most of us said, "No!" quite well when we were two. After all, it's the two-year-old's job to say "No." The authority figures in our lives at the time, our parents, expect us to say "No." And it is because of "No" that the year is known as the Terrible Two's.

Many of us grow up to be people pleasers. The word "No" drops out of our vocabulary & we substitute lots of ways to be agreeable & keep the other person happy.

Saying "No" to the authority figures isn't expected. And underneath it all we believe that saying "No" can cost us a lot in our adult life.

The unassertive "No"

is accompanied by weak excuses and rationalizations. If you lack confidence when you say "No" you may think that you need to support your "No" with lots of reasons to convince the other person that you mean it.

You might even make up an excuse to support your "No." This can backfire if the lie is exposed & again, you'll sound ineffective because you need to have an excuse to support your stand.

The aggressive "No"
is done with contempt. "Are you kidding? Me, get your mail while you're out of town?"

Sometimes the aggressive "No" includes an attack on the person making the request. "You must be crazy. I couldn't take on a project that unimportant."

The assertive "No"

is simple & direct. "No, I won't be able to help with that." If you would like to offer an explanation, make it short & simple. "No, I won't be able to help with that. I've already made a commitment for Friday afternoon."

Strategies to make the assertive "No" easier

1. When someone makes a request, it is always OK to *ASK FOR TIME TO THINK IT OVER*. In thinking it over, remind yourself that the decision is entirely up to you.

2. Use your nonverbal assertiveness to underline the "No." Make sure that your voice is firm & direct. Look into the person's eyes as you say, "No." Shake your head "No," as you say, "No."

3. Remember that "No," is an honorable response. If you decide that "No," is the answer that you prefer to give, then it's authentic & honest for you to say, "No."

4. If you say, "Yes," when you want to say, "No," you'll feel resentful throughout whatever you agreed to do. This costs you energy & discomfort & isn't necessary if you just say, "No" when you need to.

5. If you're saying, "No," to someone whom you would help under different circumstances, use an empathic response to ease the rejection. For example, to your friend who needs you to keep her child while she goes to the doctor, you might say, "No, Susie, I can't keep Billie for you. I know it must be hard for you to find someone at that time of day, but I have already made lunch plans & I won't be able to help you.

6. Start your sentence with the word, "No." It's easier to keep the commitment to say, "No," if it's the first word out of your mouth.

Practicing for the World Series

Let's look at some daily ways you can practice saying, "No," so that it comes more naturally to you. Paulette Dale in her book, Did You Say Something, Susan? suggests  some simple ways to practice saying, "No." Here are some of her suggestions:

Say "No,"

  • to the clerk who wants to write your phone number down when you return something to the store
  • to the telemarketer who disturbs your dinner
  • to the perfume demonstrator at the department store
  • to your friend's pets when they jump on you
  • to the secretary who answers the phone & asks if you mind if she puts you on hold.

Make it a project to say, "No," to something every day.

When you do, notice it & give yourself credit for practicing saying such an important two letter word.

source: self growth.com

How to Cope with Jerks at Work
By Alexandra Levit
At some point in our careers, most of us are forced to work with someone whose people skills can only be described as atrocious. Sometimes our companies wisely get rid of these people, but they are like weeds. Pluck one & within seconds another will sprout up in its place. The dread that comes with having to regularly interact with someone who is routinely negative, argumentative, stressed out or mean can make your job a wholly unpleasant experience – if you let it.

Your first instinct might be to go out of your way to avoid working with Mr. (or Ms.) Difficult & if you can pull it off, more power to you. Often, though, this isn't an option & whether Mr. Difficult is your boss, a colleague or a senior executive, you must prepare for each meeting with him like you're going into battle.
Swallow your apprehension. Remind yourself that no one has the power to control how you feel & suit up your armor so that nothing he says or does wounds you deeply.
Take a deep breath & walk calmly into Mr. Difficult’s office. Speak to him in a controlled, cheerful & reasonable tone. Get the information you need & get out. Negativity & stress can be highly contagious, so don’t allow yourself to get sucked in.

Mr. Difficult’s arrows can be easier to deflect when he’s an equal opportunity shooter. You might even joke about him with your other colleagues:
  • “Oh, you’re working with Mr. Difficult on that? I’m so sorry. I hear a bunch of people are getting a hitman if you want to contribute.”

It’s easy to become demoralized, however, when Mr. Difficult saves his best poison just for you. One of my early bosses, i.e., couldn’t stand me. She was sweet as apple pie to the rest of our colleagues & to the best of my knowledge, I didn’t do anything specific to incur her wrath.

Inexplicably, though, whenever I came around she turned into the wicked witch of the west.

Your best bet in this type of scenario is to sit down with your Mr. Difficult & have a heart to heart. Tell him how you're feeling, assume that he doesn’t mean to act like the devil incarnate & give him the benefit of the doubt.

Solicit his feedback regarding how the two of you can improve the relationship & then give him a chance to do right by you. If this doesn’t work & he continues to regularly use you as target practice, remove yourself from the situation.

No job is worth your self-esteem.

One caveat to all this: human beings operate with such different styles that it’s impossible for us to get along with all of our colleagues all of the time. You could be the most agreeable person on earth, but I guarantee that someone at work will find a reason not to like you.

Maybe she isn’t blatantly obvious or malicious like Mr. Difficult, but you can feel her negativity just the same. She might walk right past your desk without saying good morning & probably doesn’t engage in friendly conversation with you the way she does with other people in the office.

For those of us with a sensitive streak, this type of behavior can be hurtful too. What did you do to her anyway? Why won’t she give you a fair shot? As natural as it is to fixate on the situation, if it’s not affecting your daily working life or your career path, refuse to take it personally & go about your business.

Focus on your reasons for being at work & save your energy for the people in the office who deserve it.

source: self growth.com

you've been visiting more emotional feelings...
please have a great day & take a few minutes to explore some of the other sites in the emotional feelings network of sites! explore the unresolved emotions & feelings that may be the cause of some of your pain & hurt... be curious & open to new possibilities! thanks again for visiting at anxieties 102!
anxieties 101 - click here!
anxieties 102 - click here!
almost 30 sites, all designed, editted & maintained by kathleen!
until next time: consider yourself hugged by a friend today!
til' next time! kathleen

thanks for visiting more emotional feelings... it's a never ending process - isn't it!?